Gabriel Attal Becomes France’s Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister Amid Political Shift

France has appointed its youngest-ever prime minister, Gabriel Attal, 34, who also becomes the nation’s first openly gay leader. President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to bring in fresh leadership comes amid mounting political pressure from the far right and a desire for a renewed vision for the remainder of his term.

Attal, who gained prominence as the government spokesperson and later served as the education minister, emerged as the most popular minister in the outgoing government. His predecessor, Elisabeth Borne, resigned on Monday amidst political turbulence sparked by an immigration law aimed at bolstering the government’s authority in deporting foreigners.

President Macron expressed his confidence in Attal, stating, “I know I can count on your energy and your commitment.” Macron, referencing the “spirit of 2017,” urged Attal to revive the momentum that led to his surprise victory as France’s youngest-ever president.

Attal, in response, sees his appointment as “a symbol of confidence in young people” and emphasized his goals, including prioritizing security, promoting values of authority and respect, strengthening public services, and advocating for better control of immigration.

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As the political landscape in France has shifted towards the right, particularly on security and migration issues, Macron aims to address these concerns through the new government. With his second term lasting until 2027, Macron is constitutionally barred from a third consecutive term, and observers speculate that he wants to prepare for the upcoming European Union elections in June.

Critics, however, have voiced concerns over Attal’s limited experience, Parisian upbringing, and perceived loyalty to the president. Eric Ciotti, head of The Republicans party, called for a different approach, emphasizing the need for urgent action.

Gabriel Attal Becomes France's Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister Amid Political Shift
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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder of the hard-left France Unbowed party, mocked Attal for seemingly returning to his role as spokesman, suggesting that the function of the prime minister is diminishing, with the president holding greater sway.

Under the French political system, the prime minister is appointed by the president and is accountable to the parliament. Attal, a former member of the Socialist Party, joined Macron’s movement in 2016 and held various roles in the government, including spokesperson, budget minister, and education minister.

Attal’s tenure as education minister saw significant policy changes, including a ban on long robes in classrooms and the introduction of a uniform experiment to reduce school bullying. In a recent TV interview, Attal shared his experience of being bullied, including incidents of homophobic harassment during middle school.

Gabriel Attal Becomes France's Youngest and First Openly Gay Prime Minister Amid Political Shift
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Facing challenges similar to his predecessor, Attal will need to navigate a parliament where Macron’s centrists lost their majority last year. The recent immigration bill and heated debates highlighted the government’s struggles in passing major legislation.

Gérald Darmanin, the Interior Minister who championed the immigration bill, expressed readiness to continue his work, particularly with the Paris Olympics less than 200 days away. Security concerns are paramount, and Darmanin is set to lead the country’s police forces during this critical period.

As France ushers in a new era with its youngest-ever and openly gay prime minister, the government faces the task of addressing pressing issues while navigating a complex political landscape. Attal’s vision and ability to unite the diverse political spectrum will play a crucial role in shaping the country’s direction in the coming years.

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